A la une

2nd TeRRIFICA Reflective Workshop – Réfléchir sur les Indicateurs-Clés de Performance au « Science meets Parliaments » à Belgrade

mardi 9 juillet 2019

Le deuxième Reflective Workshop TeRRIFICA aura lieu les 10 et 11 juillet à Belgrade. Il se tiendra dans le cadre de l’évènement « Science Meets Parliaments » au sein de l’Assemblée Nationale de la République de Serbie. L’équipe TeRRIFICA se réunira après le workshop pour une réunion de Consortium interne.

Ce second workshop portera sur les Indicateurs-Clés de Performance en lien avec les actions contre le changement climatique. Les six régions pilotes TeRRIFICA en Allemagne, Biélorussie, Espagne, France, Pologne et Serbie seront présentes autour de thématiques communes: air, agriculture, eau et température.

Ce workshop est organisé par le Center for the Promotion of Science dans le cadre du projet H2020, TeRRIFICA, dans lequel huit organisations européennes travaillent ensemble pour favoriser les actions d’atténuation et d’adaptation au changement climatique dans différentes régions européennes, avec un prisme par la Recherche et l’Innovation Responsable.

2nd July 2019

After a successful 1st TeRRIFICA Reflective Workshop, TeRRIFICA will hold the 2nd TeRRIFICA Reflective Workshop at theNational Assembly of the Republic of Serbia on July 10th and 11th.

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2nd TeRRIFICA Reflective Workshop – Réfléchir sur les Indicateurs-Clés de Performance au « Science meets Parliaments » à Belgrade

mardi 9 juillet 2019

Le deuxième Reflective Workshop TeRRIFICA aura lieu les 10 et 11 juillet à Belgrade. Il se tiendra dans le cadre de l’évènement « Science Meets Parliaments » au sein de l’Assemblée Nationale de la République de Serbie. L’équipe TeRRIFICA se réunira après le workshop pour une réunion de Consortium interne.

Ce second workshop portera sur les Indicateurs-Clés de Performance en lien avec les actions contre le changement climatique. Les six régions pilotes TeRRIFICA en Allemagne, Biélorussie, Espagne, France, Pologne et Serbie seront présentes autour de thématiques communes: air, agriculture, eau et température.

Ce workshop est organisé par le Center for the Promotion of Science dans le cadre du projet H2020, TeRRIFICA, dans lequel huit organisations européennes travaillent ensemble pour favoriser les actions d’atténuation et d’adaptation au changement climatique dans différentes régions européennes, avec un prisme par la Recherche et l’Innovation Responsable.

2nd July 2019

After a successful 1st TeRRIFICA Reflective Workshop, TeRRIFICA will hold the 2nd TeRRIFICA Reflective Workshop at theNational Assembly of the Republic of Serbia on July 10th and 11th.

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1st TeRRIFICA Online Conference: “Co-creation and Climate Action. How people can have an impact on climate adaptation and mitigation?”

mardi 14 mai 2019
  • La première Conférence en ligne TeRRIFICA se tiendra le 22 mai 2019, de 10h à 14h. L’inscription est gratuite et se fait par email via hannah.hoff[a]uni-vechta.de
  • La Conférence commencera par une intervention sur la co-création du Dr. Angela Connelly (University of Manchester). La Conférence mettra également en avant les exemples de bonnes pratiques des six régions pilotes en Biélorussie, France, Allemagne, Pologne, Serbie et Espagne combinant des processus de co-création et des stratégies d’atténuation et d’adaptation au changement climatique.

  • La Conférence est organisée par la Boutique des Sciences Vectha/Cloppenburg University of Vechta, dans le cadre du projet Horizon 2020 TeRRIFICA, dans lequel huit institutions Européennes [dont Sciences Citoyennes] travaillent ensemble pour renforcer les capacités d’atténuation et d’adaptation au changement climatique dans différentes régions européennes, avec le prisme de la Recherche et l’Innovation Responsable.

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Europe defies climate change: Kick-off meeting of the TeRRIFICA project

lundi 18 février 2019

Le premier séminaire du projet européen TeRRIFICA s’est tenu à Bonn (Allemagne) les 4 et 5 février 2019. Huit organisations européennes ont commencé à travailler au renforcement des compétences à propos du changement climatique dans différentes régions européennes, dans le contexte de la Recherche et de l’Innovation Responsables (RRI). Le projet s’insère dans l’Agenda pour le Développement Durable 2030 des Nations Unies et ses Objectifs de Développement Durable, qui permet un vision globale partagée vers un développement durable.

  • The first meeting of the European project TeRRIFICA was held in Bonn (Germany) on the 4th and 5th February 2019
  • Eight European institutions start to work together to foster competence for climate change adaptation in different European regions with a specific focus on Responsible Research and Innovation
  • The project embeds the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its Sustainable Development Goals, a landmark achievement that provides a shared global vision towards sustainable development.

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Scientists and Civil Society Must Move Together toward a New Science

mercredi 18 mai 2016

Article proposed and written by an advisory board member of Sciences Citoyennes, Christian Vélot1,2,3,4* , about democracy in science and public engagement, illustrated by a concrete example of participatory research. This is an open-access article, originally published here : http://journal.frontiersin.org/article/10.3389/fpubh.2016.00096/full. Lire la suite…

« Collective wisdom », an interview with Claudia Neubauer, FSC

vendredi 22 juin 2012

Fondation Sciences Citoyennes wants science to be closer to the real concerns of citizens. In Paris, Tania Rabesandratana spoke with the organisation’s director Claudia Neubauer about her fight for unbiased, participatory research.

Science in Society was Framework 7’s funding programme dedicated to reflection and debate on science and technology in our society. It had a budget of €330 million for 2007-13, but the programme has been axed in the proposal for Horizon 2020, the follow-up to Framework 7 for 2014-20. Fondation Sciences Citoyennes, a French not-for-profit association, is among those who are fighting to reverse the programme’s removal. The organisation, founded in Paris in 2002 by a group of researchers, has urged the European Commission to create a comparable funding stream for Horizon 2020 with a €1-billion budget, or 1.25 per cent of the proposed €80bn total budget.

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5th Living Knowledge Conference (LK5) in Bonn (2012)

jeudi 10 mai 2012

Re-imagining Research Relationships – Co-creating Knowledge in a Democratic Society

This conference will provide an opportunity for policy makers, academics and civil society organisations to consider current practice and future opportunities in the field of research partnerships.

The 5th Living Knowledge Conference will set its focus on different themes to get more insight in processes, and develop specific policy recommendations that resonate with public concerns and articulated research needs and built on the experience and know-how of the previous LK conferences in Leuven, Seville, Paris and Belfast. It will be an opportunity to bring together some of the key thinkers and practitioners in the area of community based research, university/community partnerships and Science Shops and aims at providing options and opportunities for collaborations and ensuring that this area of work is prioritised on policy agendas both nationally and internationally.

The conference will also be a platform to exchange and discuss findings and results of the first half of the PERARES project. PERARES (Public Engagement with Research and Research Engagement with Society) is a project which has been awarded financial support by the European Commission as coordination action in the 7th Framework Programme for broarder engagement on science-related questions and structuring public engagement in research.

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Project « Co-construction of knowledge and of decisions in research: the example of participatory plant breeding in agri-environment »

mercredi 29 février 2012

The project « Co-construction of knowledge and of decisions in research: the example of participatory plant breeding in agri-environment », was directed by the  Fondation Sciences Citoyennes, in partnership with the Réseau Semences Paysannes (Peasant seeds network). The project was funded by REPERE program called Network of Exchange and Projects for Research and Expertise Governance. The French Ministry of Environment implemented it.

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The pamphlet on citizen scientists

samedi 4 septembre 2010

This pamphlet is an output of the STACS (Science, Technology and Civil Society) project, funded by the European Commission Sixth Framework Programme (Science and Society-19-044597).

The pamphlet


Preface: Fieldwork

Consider the cauliflower. The cauliflowers we eat now tend to be big, white and fluffy. They have been bred this way over the last 30 years, taking the place of the various Italian varieties that were once bred on farms. Europe has largely forgotten the other possible shapes, colours – green, yellow, pink and purple – and flavours of cauliflowers. In the fields and village markets of Brittany, a group of farmers, activists and scientists are trying to help us remember. Lire la suite…

3rd Living Knowledge Conference (LK3) in Paris (2007)

mercredi 29 août 2007

The 3rd international Living knowledge conference will provide a forum where information on community based research, carried out in both community and academic settings, on new forms of partnerships between research and civil society and on new modes of innovation can be shared and developed. It aims at disseminating and exchanging information on community based and participatory research, on citizens’ science and cooperative innovation.

Communities building Knowledge – Innovation through citizens science and university engagement

The 3rd Living knowledge conference

Organised by the International Network of Science Shops Network, Fondation Sciences Citoyennes (FSC), the International Network of Engineers and Scientists for global responsibility (INES), the Centre of Sociology of Innovation (CSI) and the Unit Political and Social Transformations related to Life Sciences of INRA (TSV).

Objectives and context for LK3

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Towards a real partnership with society – NGO alliance on Framework programme 7 of the EC

samedi 4 juin 2005

European Science Social Forum Network

The European Science Social Forum Network was a platform of non-profit associations and NGOs as well as individual persons that worked to get a model of scientific and technological progress engaged with a solidary, sustainable and fair society.

During the third European Social Forum held from the 15th to the 17th October 2004 in London, a number of NGOs and associations working on the field of science and society (i.e., commercial control of science, science and militarism, human genetics, agriculture, science and citisenship, etc) came together. The opportunity was used to stablish an informal network that would help us to coordinate campaigns and organize common actions, as well as to share information, documents, ideas, human resources, etc.

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Towards a citizens’ science in Europe : new forms of co-operation between NGOs, citizens and researchers

jeudi 13 novembre 2003

Scientific knowledge plays a determining role in the societal development provoking profound social, political, economic and cultural transformations. Traditionally scientific knowledge is seen as being neutral and independent but in fact it is contested and negotiated knowledge that is more and more influenced by pure economic factors and for which the economic and organisational resources are unequally distributed in the society. Lire la suite…