Le deuxième Reflective Workshop TeRRIFICA aura lieu les 10 et 11 juillet à Belgrade. Il se tiendra dans le cadre de l’évènement « Science Meets Parliaments » au sein de l’Assemblée Nationale de la République de Serbie. L’équipe TeRRIFICA se réunira après le workshop pour une réunion de Consortium interne.
Ce second workshop portera sur les Indicateurs-Clés de Performance en lien avec les actions contre le changement climatique. Les six régions pilotes TeRRIFICA en Allemagne, Biélorussie, Espagne, France, Pologne et Serbie seront présentes autour de thématiques communes: air, agriculture, eau et température.
Ce workshop est organisé par le Center for the Promotion of Science dans le cadre du projet H2020, TeRRIFICA, dans lequel huit organisations européennes travaillent ensemble pour favoriser les actions d’atténuation et d’adaptation au changement climatique dans différentes régions européennes, avec un prisme par la Recherche et l’Innovation Responsable.
2nd July 2019
After a successful 1st TeRRIFICA Reflective Workshop, TeRRIFICA will hold the 2nd TeRRIFICA Reflective Workshop at theNational Assembly of the Republic of Serbia on July 10th and 11th.
This workshop is part of the ‘Science Meets Parliaments’ event organized for the first time in Serbia by the Center for the Promotion of Science in collaboration with the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, and under the patronage of the Joint Research Centrе(JRC) of the European Committee.
This second workshop will focus on Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and its meaning for climate action. In this workshop, we will prove for stakeholder perspectives onwhat ‘sucess’ looks like for this kind of initiative in as much details as possible. Theworkshop will be facilitated in a manner similar to the first reflective workshop, as a series of concurrent focus groups with partner representatives as moderators. The discussions will be used as data pool for the identification of potential indicators that
are not already accounted for in the MoRRI indicators or other existing metrics considered for use in the project. This discussion will be analysed systematically to identify additional variables and KPIs that could be defined based on this bottom-up perspective from stakeholders. The workshop will be used to expand the KPI scope beyond the MoRRI indicators.
More information and full programme available here: https://eu.cpn.rs/en/ science-meets-parliaments
The TeRRIFICA team will meet the day after to the workshop to celebrate an internal Consortium meeting. Representatives from the consortium institutions, together with members of the TeRRIFICA Advisory Boards, will gather in the premises of the Center for the Promotion of Science in Belgrade.
What is MoRRI?
MoRRI is EC-funded project that developed a monitoring system to show the evolution and benefits of RRI across EU member states. MoRRI
focused on the EC conception of RRI (namely an operational package consisting of six dimensions: gender equality, science literacy and science education, open access, public engagement, ethics and governance). In and across these dimensions MoRRI identified a number of monitoring indicators. This was achieved through workshops, multiple surveys, and a series of case studies alongside desk-based research and othermethods. The MoRRI project’s outputs are a significant source of evidence on the benefits of all aspects of RRI for society, the economy and science itself.
Other links and useful information:
MORRI Indicators – Indicators for promoting and monitoring Responsible Research and Innovation
General information leaflet – TeRRIFICA project
What is TeRRIFICA?
The EU funded project TeRRIFICA (Territorial Responsible Research and Innovation Fostering Innovative Climate Action) with its network partners in six regions of Europe will seek for best practice and identify the approaches that are already in place to mitigate climate change and adapt to its effects.
In a trans-disciplinary partnership, TeRRIFICA involves six European countries, bringing together three research institutions, three non-profit organisations, one public association of universities and one public institution for science promotion. TeRRIFICA is led by WILA Bonn (Bonn, Germany) and the TeRRIFICA consortium is composted by the Rhine-Waal University (Kleve, Germany), the Education for Sustainable Development Association (Minsk, Belarus), the Center for the Promotion of Science (Belgrade, Serbia), the University of Vechta (Germany), the Adam Mickiewicz University (Poznan, Poland), Sciences Citoyennes (Paris, France) and the Catalan Association of Public Universities (Barcelona, Spain). The project is funded by the Horizon2020 programme of the European Commission.
Subscribe to the TeRRIFICA newsletter and follow the project on Social Media to get updates and more information: www.terrifica.eu
· TeRRIFICA Project Coordinator:
Norbert Steinhaus: norbert.steinhaus[a]wilabonn.de
· 2nd TeRRIFICA Reflective Workshop coordinators: Marjana Brkić: mbrkic[a]cpn.rs
Dobrivoje Lale Eric: dleric[a]cpn.rs
· TeRRIFICA Communication and Dissemination Manager: Marta Cayetano: marta[a]acup.cat