Tract pour la mobilisation de soutien à Christian Vélot du 25 juin 2008

jeudi 19 juin 2008

Tract Christian VélotVoici le tract « officiel » pour la mobilisation du 25 juin 2008 en faveur de Christian Vélot et des lanceurs d’alerte. Un grand merci aux dessinateurs Maëster et Natur’elle pour les illustrations qu’ils nous ont fournies pour l’occasion. Lire la suite

3rd Living Knowledge Conference (LK3) in Paris (2007)

mercredi 29 août 2007

The 3rd international Living knowledge conference will provide a forum where information on community based research, carried out in both community and academic settings, on new forms of partnerships between research and civil society and on new modes of innovation can be shared and developed. It aims at disseminating and exchanging information on community based and participatory research, on citizens’ science and cooperative innovation.

Communities building Knowledge – Innovation through citizens science and university engagement

The 3rd Living knowledge conference

Organised by the International Network of Science Shops Network, Fondation Sciences Citoyennes (FSC), the International Network of Engineers and Scientists for global responsibility (INES), the Centre of Sociology of Innovation (CSI) and the Unit Political and Social Transformations related to Life Sciences of INRA (TSV).

Objectives and context for LK3

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