Sciences Citoyennes est signataire de cette lettre ouverte aux côtés de 210 organisation dans 68 pays. Les organisations et institutions sont invitées à signer cette tribune.
We urge you to act to hold the industries and corporations that have fueled and continue to worsen the climate crisis liable, as well as the executives behind them, so that we may advance climate justice globally.
For decades, Big Polluters like Exxon, Shell, and others have spent billions of dollars simultaneously fueling and denying the climate crisis, delaying action, and pushing false “solutions” at every level—all while raking in billions in profits each year. And despite what their greenwashing advertising says, they’re still doing it, as are other major polluting industries like agribusiness.
People around the globe are fighting to protect their homelands from the rising seas, their loved ones from extreme weather events, and their lives and livelihoods from floods, droughts, pipelines, brutal fossil fuel extraction, deforestation, destruction of natural ecosystems, land grabs, and other violations of their rights. Communities in the Global South, women, youth, indigenous peoples, and other communities on the front lines of the climate crisis urgently need funding to implement a just and equitable transition away from fossil fuels and false “solutions” like carbon markets and offsets, bioenergy, and geo-engineering—and toward the community-centered solutions that must power our future: solutions like leaving fossil fuels in the ground, practicing agroecology, protecting vital ecosystems like the Amazon rainforest, and other solutions enshrined in the People’s Demands for Climate Justice.
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