Sciences Citoyennes – a short presentation

mercredi 28 octobre 2015

Sciences Citoyennes – Citizen Sciences – is a non for profit organisation, which was created in 2002 by a group of researchers from various fields of humanities and natural sciences, by students and citizens.

Our background and our objectives

Our main issue is to critically question the role of science and technology in the construction of a society and to put science into democracy so that it serves the common good.

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Key note: Media in Responsible Research and Innovation – European Intersectoral Summit on Research and Innovation, 25 et 26 February 2013, Dublin

lundi 4 février 2013

This key note was held by Dr. Claudia Neubauer, former director of Fondation Sciences Citoyennes, at the EISRI meeting (European Intersectoral Summit on Research and Innovation), Trinity College Dublin – 25-26 February 2013

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Opening Up Societal Futures through EU Research and Innovation Agendas

mardi 4 septembre 2012

The article on  Opening Up Societal Futures through EU Research and Innovation Agendas was written by Les Levidow (Open University, Milton Keynes) and Claudia Neubauer (Fondation Sciences Citoyennes, Paris). It was published in EASST Revue, Volume 31 (3) European Association for the Study of Science and Technology, September 2012.

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Project « Co-construction of knowledge and of decisions in research: the example of participatory plant breeding in agri-environment »

mercredi 29 février 2012

The project « Co-construction of knowledge and of decisions in research: the example of participatory plant breeding in agri-environment », was directed by the  Fondation Sciences Citoyennes, in partnership with the Réseau Semences Paysannes (Peasant seeds network). The project was funded by REPERE program called Network of Exchange and Projects for Research and Expertise Governance. The French Ministry of Environment implemented it.

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Staff members and advisory board

dimanche 13 septembre 2015

An advisory board including 29 people leads the association for a citizen sciences foundation.  5 staff members are implementing different projects initiated by this board.

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