Better understand climate manipulation on a large scale

mardi 21 juin 2022

As part of the citizen mobilizations of COP21 (United Nations Climate Change Conference) in 2015. Sciences Citoyennes decided to seize the matter of geo- engineering. Since then, we have participated to spreading acculturation on those controversial subjects.

SC chose to multiply formats and diffusion canals in order to make this information more accessible to everyone.

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Scientists and Civil Society Must Move Together toward a New Science

mercredi 18 mai 2016

Article proposed and written by an advisory board member of Sciences Citoyennes, Christian Vélot1,2,3,4* , about democracy in science and public engagement, illustrated by a concrete example of participatory research. This is an open-access article, originally published here : Lire le reste de cet article »

A Manifesto For a Responsible Scientific Research

lundi 25 janvier 2016

As a result of a collective work, here is our Manifesto for a Responsible Scientific Research. Fondation Sciences Citoyennes purpose is to encourage debates concerning the scientific research aims and the means to implement individual and collective accountability in this field. Lire le reste de cet article »

The Citizens Convention – A new Democratic Procedure for Decision-Making on Research and Innovation Issues

mercredi 28 octobre 2015

What is a Citizens Convention?

The Citizens Convention is a participatory procedure aiming at informing people about political decision processes on research and innovation issues. It combines three phases: a prior training (during which a drawn by lot group of 15 citizens are studying), an active intervention (during which these citizens are questioning) and a collective positioning (during which citizens are expressing an advice). A Citizens Convention offers an appropriate setting for general concerns without any geographical restriction. The only limitation is the level of maturation of the dealt topic, which must be high enough.

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Redesign progress now! The use of knowledge for a re-conceptualised human progress

mercredi 28 octobre 2015

This articles was written by Claudia Neubauer (FSC) and Matthieu Calame (FPH) in 2013. It was published in the 5th GUNi Report Higher Education in the World: Knowledge, Engagement and Higher Education: Contributing to Social Change, which has been published in February 2014 by Palgrave Macmillan.

GUNI2013_Redesign progress_CN_MAC

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