The article on Opening Up Societal Futures through EU Research and Innovation Agendas was written by Les Levidow (Open University, Milton Keynes) and Claudia Neubauer (Fondation Sciences Citoyennes, Paris). It was published in EASST Revue, Volume 31 (3) European Association for the Study of Science and Technology, September 2012.
What kind of society do we want to build? What knowledge is necessary? For and by whom? Such questions always underlie research agendas. The answers generally have been pre-empted by dominant policy visions, along with expert appraisals sharing such visions. Potential futures are closed down, thus excluding the values or interests of the poorest and most marginal people (Stirling 2008). Nevertheless EU Framework Programmes for Research and Technology Development have provided some scope to open up societal futures and to involve civil society organisations (CSOs) which likewise do so. Many STS scholars have sought to go beyond the dominant agendas, sometimes by working with CSOs. This article describes efforts to broaden Horizon 2020, the EU research framework that will begin in 2014, following Framework Programme 7.
You will find the revue with the article here