Better understand climate manipulation on a large scale

mardi 21 juin 2022

As part of the citizen mobilizations of COP21 (United Nations Climate Change Conference) in 2015. Sciences Citoyennes decided to seize the matter of geo- engineering. Since then, we have participated to spreading acculturation on those controversial subjects.

SC chose to multiply formats and diffusion canals in order to make this information more accessible to everyone.

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Une intervention de Jérôme Santolini lors de la conférence « Why Your Movement Should Oppose Designer Babies? » (5 mars 2022, en anglais))

mercredi 16 mars 2022

Jérôme Santolini, administrateur de Sciences Citoyennes, est intervenu le 5 mars 2022 lors de la conférence « Why Your Movement Should Oppose Designer Babies? » organisé par Stop Designer Babies.

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Mettre fin aux procès baillons en Europe (En)

vendredi 27 novembre 2020

Sciences Citoyennes et 118 autres autres organisations interpellent les institutions de l’Union européenne dans le but d’obtenir une législation à même de protéger la démocratie et les droits fondamentaux. L’appel est en anglais.

Ending Gag Lawsuits in Europe Protecting Democracy and Fundamental Rights

The problem: gag lawsuits against public interest defenders

The EU must end gag lawsuits used to silence individuals and organisations that hold those in positions of power to account. Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation (SLAPP) are lawsuits brought forward by powerful actors (e.g. companies, public officials in their private capacity, high profile persons) to harass and silence those speaking out in the public interest. Typical victims are those with a watchdog role, for instance: journalists, activists, informal associations, academics, trade unions, media organisations and civil society organisations. Lire le reste de cet article »

Citizens’ Conventions, Taking Democracy Seriously

jeudi 2 juillet 2020

The videos of the conference in English are online!

The 3rd TeRRIFICA Reflective Workshop and Conference “Citizens’ Conventions, Taking Democracy Seriously” was held in Paris on October 14th and 15th 2019. The event was hosted at the Economic Social and Environmental Council (CESE) and the Fondation Charles Léopold Mayer.

Sciences Citoyennes organized both activities within the framework of the H2020 TeRRIFICA project, whereby eight European institutions work together to foster competence for climate change adaptation and mitigation in different European regions with a specific focus on Responsible Research and Innovation.

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Plus de 50 ONGs demandent la transparence à la présidence allemande de l’UE

mardi 23 juin 2020

Plus de 50 ONGs, dont Sciences Citoyennes, ont signé cet appel demandant à la présidence allemande, démarrant le 1er juillet 2020, de prioriser l’intérêt général dans les prises de décisions au niveau européen, des réformes législatives sur la transparence des lobbys au sein du Conseil, une transparence complète des lobbys allemands et de nouveaux droits pour les citoyens de s’exprimer sur les décisions des gouvernements concernant les affaires européennes. La déclaration se trouve ici, et résulte de la publication du nouveau rapport de Corporate Europe Observatory et LobbyControl – Tainted love: corporate lobbying and the upcoming German EU Presidency (retrouvez la synthèse du rapport, et le rapport complet). 

We, civil society organisations from Germany and across Europe, demand a German EU Council Presidency that sets new standards in transparency and accountability, and which tackles the challenges ahead in the public interest.

The EU Presidency must prioritise three urgent challenges: handling the coronavirus pandemic and its consequences, tackling inequality, and fighting the climate crisis. These need to be addressed together on a strong foundation of democracy, anti-racism, human rights, social rights, and international solidarity. Instead of bailing out climate polluters and tax-dodgers, and giving in to ‘coronawash’ lobbying for weaker regulations, we need a new vision based on progressive alternatives that will roll back inequality. The German Presidency must use this moment to forgo corporate interests and to instead make serving the public interest the clear priority.

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