Our network
The Fondation Sciences Citoyennes belongs to several networks or collectives :
The Research and Information Centre for Development
CRID Funded in 1976 by 8 associations, the Research and Information Centre for Development aimed to produce a reflexion on development and international cooperation. It gathers now 54 French NGOs for International Solidarity.
International Network of Engineers and Scientists for Global Responsibility INES is an independent non-profit organisation committed to influencing the role and the impact that science and technology have on society.
Knowledge – Improving Science Shop NETworking The general objective of the thematic network ‘Improving Science Shop Networking’ (ISSNET) is to give citizens around Europe better access to scientific information and expertise. The demand-driven approach of science shops contributes to this objective and offers citizens a tool to contribute in the science and society debate.
Network of Scientists for Social and Environmental Responsibility ENSSER forms a joint pool of critical and independent expertise to work in two fields: to assess the ecological, health, and socioeconomic_ effects of the application of existing and future science_ and technologies; and to assess alternative options to main-stream science and_ technologies with the aim to strengthen citizens‘_ interests over vested and corporate interests.
World Forum on Science and Democracy WFSD aims the implementation of a platform of political dialogue between scientific institutions and social actors. FSC is part of the International Council and of the International Secretariat.
Environement Health Network FSC is co-founder of this network that aims to contribute the policital decisions to focus on the link environment health as a major challenge at the sanitary and environmental levels.
Alliance for Lobbying Transparency and Ethics Regulation ALTER-EU is a coalition of about 200 civil society groups, trade unions, academics and public affairs firms concerned with the increasing influence exerted by corporate lobbyists on the political agenda in Europe, the resulting loss of democracy in EU decision-making and the postponement, weakening, or blockage even, of urgently needed progress on social, environmental and consumer-protection reforms.
Association of citizen watch and civic information on issues on nanosciences and nanotechnologies AVICENN leads a citizen watch and proposes a transversal and independent information on societal issues concerning nanotechnologies, through VeillesNanos letters and the websites http://veillenanos.fr and http://wikinanos.fr
The collective of citizen associations was born in 2010 to fight the instrumental politic reaction and the reduction of the associations to their only commercial aspect, defends the contribution of the association to the general interest and to the construction of a sustainable, participative and of true solidarity society. The coalition reaches now 8000 association leaders and gathers 300 associations, including 35 national networks.