- La troisième rencontre du Consortium du projet TeRRIFICA s’est tenue à Barcelone les 3 et 4 décembre 2019. L’évènement s’est déroulé à La Fàbrica del Sol, un lieu municipal d’éducation à l’environnement qui intègre différents services pour les citoyens concernant les énergies renouvelables, l’écologie et la durabilité urbaine.
- ACUP / GUNI a organisé cette rencontre dans le cadre du projet H2020 TeRRIFICA, dans lequel huit institutions européennes travaillent ensemble à renforcer les capacités pour l’atténuation et l’adaptation aux changements climatiques dans différentes régions européennes, en particulier à travers la Recherche et l’Innovation Responsable.
- The 3rd TeRRIFICA Consortium meeting was held in Barcelona on December 3rd-4th 2019. The event was hosted at La Fàbrica del Sol, a municipal facility for environmental education that integrates a number of services for citizens in renewable energy, urban environment and sustainability.
- ACUP / GUNi organized the meeting within the framework of the H2020 TeRRIFICA project, whereby eight European institutions work together to foster competence for climate change adaptation and mitigation in different European regions with a specific focus on Responsible Research and Innovation.
11th December 2019
The meeting also focused on the current co-creation and stakeholder involvement activities of the TeRRIFICA pilot regions, which are being carried out by the institutions from the TeRRIFICA Consortium. They can be consulted here: www.terrifica.eu/pilot- region. Starting from 2020, eight summer schools will be held within the framework of the TeRRIFICA project, one by each partner.
Other issues that were discussed are the dissemination actions of TeRRIFICA, which has been presented in a total of 30 conferences, seminars and workshops in 2019 throughout Europe and beyond. The increasing engagement in Social Media and in the TeRRIFICA main communication channels was celebrated as well. This participation involves more than 600 followers on Twitter, a substantial increase of subscribers to the TeRRIFICA newsletter and 75 communication impacts on media (newspapers, blogs, websites…) during the first year of the project.On December 5th 2019, the TeRRIFICA Consortium gathered at Institute of Environmental Science and Technology (ICTA-UAB) for the participative session“Citizen Science Experiences from academia”, in which researchers of ICTA and CREAF presented the following projects:
- Autonomous approach to CO2 measurements in high school and open forums’ and ‘Knowing the air quality in primary school’, by Carme Estruch and Roger Curcoll
- Re-connecting people with the river: The experience of L’Observatori de la Tordera i del Besòs, by Sònia Sànchez-Mateo and Toni Mas-Ponce
- LICCI-Local indicators of Climate Change Impacts, by Ramin Soleymani-Fard
- Alerta Forestal; BeWater/Taula Tordera, by Anabel Sánchez
- Ritme Natura and CoPs in WeObserve, by Esther Prat
- Mosquito Alert, by Alex Richter-Boix
Interested in TeRRIFICA?
Other links and useful information:
What is TeRRIFICA?
- TeRRIFICA Project Coordinator:
Norbert Steinhaus: norbert.steinhaus@wilabonn.de· - TeRRIFICA Pilot regions’ leaders:
- Barcelona metropolitan area – Núria Jové: njove@acup.cat
- Belgrade – Marjana Brkic: mbrkic@cpn.rs
- Brittany, Normandy and Pays de la Loire – Charlotte Coquard: charlotte.coquard@sciencescitoyennes.org
- The Poznań Agglomeration – Paweł Churski: chur@amu.edu.pl
- Minsk – Kate Sposob: belterrifica@gmail.com
- Oldenburger Muensterland – Karin Bokop: Karin.Bokop@uni-vechta.de· TeRRIFICA
- Communication and Dissemination Manager: Marta Cayetano: marta@acup.cat