Innovation, Sustainability, Development – A New Manifesto

mardi 4 janvier 2011


The STEPS Centre from the University of Sussex published this Manifesto  in 2010.

The Manifesto states at its beginning: « We live in a time of unprecedented advances in science and technology. The world is ever more globalised and interconnected. Yet poverty is deepening, the environment is in crises and progress towards the Millenuim development goals has stalled. »

The STEPS Centre (Social, Technological and Environmental Pathways to Sustainability) is an interdisciplinary global research and policy engagement hub that unites development studies with science and technology studies. Based at the Institute of Development Studies and SPRU Science and Technology Policy Research at the University of Sussex, with partners in Africa, Asia and Latin America, we are funded by the Economic and Social Research Council. The ‘Innovation, Sustainability, Development: A New Manifesto’ project has drawn on contributions from across the Centre’s membership, but in particular Melissa Leach, Andy Stirling, Ian Scoones, Adrian Ely (Project Convenor), Elisa Arond (Project Assistant), Julia Day (Communications Manager) and Harriet Le Bris (Administrative Co-ordinator).

Sciences Citoyennes and the STEPS Centre have co-organised a one-day event in January 2011 in order to promote the manifesto in France.

You can find the short version of the Manifesto here.


The longer version dates from 2009 and is signed by Andy Stirling.

Stirling, A. (2009) Direction, Distribution and Diversity! Pluralising Progress in
Innovation, Sustainability and Development, STEPS Working Paper 32, Brighton: STEPS Centre
