Atelier et séminaire dans le cadre du FSE

jeudi 7 octobre 2004


NATFHE, 27 Britannia Street, London WC1X 9JN – 020 7833 8440 – Tube : Kings Cross – FSE Website 2004/10/15


Title : Science and citizenship

Organisers : Fondation Sciences citoyennes, France ; Science for the people, UK ; INES, Germany ; Espace Marx, France

Our workshop will consider how to :

Build equitable and supportive research partnerships between scientists and NGOs

Support the development of scientists’ and policy makers’ awareness of public concern issues

Democratise science and empower people – who needs, controls and benefits from the scientific process ?

research and citizenship, research and Europe, empowerment

Speakers :

Diana Wittendorp, Science for the People

Doug Parr, chief scientist Greenpeace UK

James Wilsdon, Demos

Jean-Paul Gaudillière, FSC

Claudia Neubauer, FSC (moderator)



Titre :Toward citizens’ assemblies on research in Europe : against the commercial and military control of science, for citizens intervention in new research policy ;
(vers des assises citoyennes de la recherche en Europe, contre la marchandisation et le contrôle militaire de la science, pour une intervention citoyenne dans une nouvelle politique de la recherche) ;

Scientific research increasingly depends upon decisions at European level, in board rooms and in secret military meetings. Citizens, including scientists, must intervene in the process of decision making, to democratise science, empower people and prevent war. This seminar prepares for the citizen’s assemblies for research in Europe proposed at the 2nd ESF.

Présenté par les associations :

Association of University Teachers (AUT) UK

Espaces Marx. France

Fédération Mondiale de travailleurs Scientifiques/World Federation of Scientific Workers (FMTS/WFSW) France

Fondation Science Citoyenne (FSC) France

The International Network of Engineers and Scientists for Global Responsibility(INES) Germany

syndicat National de l’enseignement supérieur (SNESup) France

Science for the People UK

Scientists for global responsibility UK (SGR)

Le débat sera ouvert par :

Janine Guespin (France)

David Margolies (UK)

Claudia Neubauer (france)

Joachim Spangenberg (germany)