Sciences Citoyennes est associé à la coalition de 119 organisations demandant aux institutions européennes de renforcer la législation contre les procès-bâillons.
Un policy paper, ci-dessous (en anglais) a été publié ce jour :
Ending Gag Lawsuits in Europe Protecting Democracy and Fundamental Rights
The problem: gag lawsuits against public interest defenders
The EU must end gag lawsuits used to silence individuals and organisations that hold those in positions of power to account. Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation (SLAPP) are lawsuits brought forward by powerful actors (e.g. companies, public officials in their private capacity, high profile persons) to harass and silence those speaking out in the public interest. Typical victims are those with a watchdog role, for instance: journalists, activists, informal associations, academics, trade unions, media organisations and civil society organisations.