Living knowledge – Current key note speaker list

jeudi 21 juin 2007


We have a large variety of different key note speakers coming from academia, NGOs, policy and administration from all over the world. (list not yet complete)

Isabelle Stengers |philosopher, Free University Brussels, Belgium

Mark Lipinski |vice-president in charge of research, higher education and innovation, regional government Ile-de-France, France

Helen Wallace executive director, GeneWatch, UK

Hamed El Mously INES (International Network of Engineers and Scientists for global responsibility), Egypt

Nicole Dewandre European Commission, Unit Science in Society, head of Sustainable development

Budd Hall pioneer of participatory action research, Office of Community Based Research, University of Victoria, Canada

Rajesh Tandon president of Participatory Action Research in Asia, India|

Monica Menapace European Commission, Unit Science in Society, resp. for science shops (pre-conference)

Dominique Pestre historian of science, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, France